Hi, my name is


I have an MSc degree in Applied Earth Sciences with a specialization in Reservoir Geology from Delft University of Technology, I suppose that makes me an engineer (by title), thus the cool domain. I did a minor in Computer Science at the University of Amsterdam and really enjoyed that, that's how I got into web development.

I'm interested in the web, data visualisation and geology. I enjoy working in HTML, SVG and JavaScript – especially JavaScript, more specifically React, XState and D3.

Someday, I'll add some more to this page like some projects I've made or ones that I'm working on and maybe even a few blogposts. In the meantime, here are the two things on this site so far

A demo of a React hook I wrote to control the favicon. Draw on the favicon with canvas or set an emoji as the favicon, all with a simple hook.
A small game in which you have to guess the outline of nation as quickly as possible. I made it a few years back to learn React, looking back at it, it's not bad.